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1-24-2006 - So after a few weeks of down time and holiday festivities (which I apparently didn't partake in!?) There's nothing to spice up a new year like a drive across the western US. Here I am getting "recharged" somewhere in west Texas enroute to Las Cruces, NM. I don't get it but Dave and Jeremy keep saying, "Maybe it was Lasss Crucessss" in a funny voice!?... Download

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  Cheeky-LRU.JPG - 1-24-2006 - So after a few weeks of down time and holiday festivities (which I apparently didn't partake in!?)   There's nothing to spice up a new year like a drive across the western US.  Here I am getting "recharged" somewhere in west Texas enroute to Las Cruces, NM.  I don't get it but Dave and Jeremy keep saying, "Maybe it was Lasss Crucessss" in a funny voice!?...  