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Uh Oh, those strange metal people (and creatures) have made their way out west! Last time I saw these guys was in the subway in New York City!?... You know what I'm thinking? - 2012! The apocalypse is coming people!!! Download

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Cheeky_LEGOFigure (2)
Cheeky_LEGOFigure (3)
DCA_NAG (26)_ Cheeky
PHX_HootsAZCenter_LaurenCheeky (8)_EH
  PHX-Scorpion_Cheeky.JPG - Uh Oh, those strange metal people (and creatures) have made their way out west!  Last time I saw these guys was in the subway in New York City!?... You know what I'm thinking? - 2012!  The apocalypse is coming people!!!  
DArboretum-2011 (28)
DArboretum-2011 (15)
DArboretum-2011_Cheeky (4)
DArboretum-2011_Cheeky (7)
DArboretum-2011_Cheeky (9)