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3/22/2011 - Back in Phoenix - Harry Burns: Please, Jess, Marie. Do me a favor, for your own good, put your name in your books right now before they get mixed up and you won't know whose is whose. 'Cause someday, believe it or not, you'll go 15 rounds over who's gonna get this coffee table. This stupid, wagon wheel, Roy Rogers, garage sale COFFEE TABLE. Jess: I thought you liked it? Harry Burns: I was being nice. (Guess the movie?) Download

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SAC_CAState-RRMuseum (14)
SAC_CAState-RRMuseum (51)
SAC_CAState-RRMuseum (81)
  PHX_RoyRogersCheeky.jpg - 3/22/2011 - Back in Phoenix - Harry Burns: Please, Jess, Marie. Do me a favor, for your own good, put your name in your books right now before they get mixed up and you won't know whose is whose. 'Cause someday, believe it or not, you'll go 15 rounds over who's gonna get this coffee table. This stupid, wagon wheel, Roy Rogers, garage sale COFFEE TABLE. Jess: I thought you liked it? Harry Burns: I was being nice.(Guess the movie?)  
Kids_LEGOLand-2011_Opening (54)
Kids_LEGOLand-2011_Opening (61)