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At the Sensō-ji Temple in Asakusa: A sanmon (三門 or 山門), also called sangedatsumon (三解脱門, gate of the three liberations) is the most important gate of a Japanese Zen Buddhist temple, and is part of the Zen shichidō garan, the group of buildings that forms the heart of a Zen Buddhist temple. (Can You Spot Me?) Download

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TYO_MrDonut (5)
TYO_TokyoTowerZojojiTemple (11)
TYO_TokyoTowerZojojiTemple (45)
TYO_AsakusaSensojiTemple (2)
  TYO_AsakusaSensojiTemple (13).JPG - At the Sensō-ji Temple in Asakusa: A sanmon (三門 or 山門), also called sangedatsumon (三解脱門, gate of the three liberations) is the most important gate of a Japanese Zen Buddhist temple, and is part of the Zen shichidō garan, the group of buildings that forms the heart of a Zen Buddhist temple. (Can You Spot Me?)  
TYO_AsakusaSensojiTemple (40)
TYO_AsakusaSensojiTemple (41)
TYO_ImperialGarden (20)
TYO_Akihabara (10)