Hello FUBARians, welcome to the
fourth quarter 2004...
Well, It was
a rough time for the FUBARS. As many of you I'm sure have heard, the
FUBARS lost one of it's dearest alumni - Jesse Rhodes. On October
14th, Capt. Jesse Rhodes and his co-pilot were faced with a dual engine
failure in there Canadair Regional Jet while at 41,000. In true
FUBAR fashion, they flew the hell out of the crippled plane, attempting to
bring it down at a nearby airport. The rest of the story of course
is public knowledge as they were unsuccessful; the plane coming to rest
just a couple miles short of the runway.
Management (Dave) was notified via telephone shortly afterward by Mark
"The Shark" Avellino. The news was shocking and
devastating to say the least. A memorial service was held at ERAU
during the annual ERAU homecoming/FUBAR reunion. Almost 100 people
were in attendance and FUBAR Alumnus and Hall-of Famers, Mark
"Armadillo" Avellino, Chris "Cy Young" Roth and the
Cyber Kid were in attendance. Condolences were proffered from
various other FUBAR alumni - Brian "Wild Thing" Messer and Ed
"Stand by Me" Gordon to name a couple.
has began construction on a Jesse Rhodes Memorial Wing. That should
go live soon, if its not already online by the time you read this.
You can visit the wing at www.FUBARHQ.com/RHODES.htm
and will feature an eclectic array of information, tributes,
News Corporation, The Cyber Kid and anyone associated with us or Jesse,
offer our deepest sympathy to Alison and Jesse's family. Please take
a moment to honor Jesse in your own way (Wherever he is, he's probably
drinking a beer and watching a Buc's game, but I'm sure he'll get the
message :o)
FUBARS - Brian "The
Cave-Man", Mark "Avocado", Dave "The Cyber
Kid", Steve "Hand Job" & Jesse "The
Psycho" enjoying a few BEvERages at the Ocean Deck. (homecoming 2003) |